Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Our Home Study is Complete!!!!

9 November 2010

I'm happy to say that our Home Study is now complete.  It was a whole lot easier than I thought it would be.  Walt, our case worker, was really nice.  He visited our home and asked the girls what they thought about the adoption.  The girls were all enthusiastic about their answers.  He asked our oldest child what would change once the new child/ren arrive and she said "There will be less chores for me to do!"  They are very excited at the idea of adopting a brother or 2 brothers. 

We really liked working with our Christian Adoption agency (Christian Adoption Services--www.christianadopt.org).  The cost was around $2,000, but dealing with fellow Christians is a whole lot easier than dealing with a secular government agency who may or may not be on board with our beliefs.

We are just waiting for our draft now.

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